

Shift’s personal training sessions are designed to empower our clients to grow through and beyond whatever is stopping them from living a life they’re on fire for.

Our process is made up of personal training sessions that focus on the development of your emotional intelligence, emotional agility, and ability to cultivate habits you’re proud of. We help our clients pinpoint what’s in their way, and take action to address the root causes. We provide them with the tools for empowerment and continuous growth, then help to incorporate the use of those tools into their daily life.

The Results:

More Clarity! More Confidence! More Connection! And More Joy!

Notes of appreciation from our clients:

Session details:


What’s included:

  • 15-minute consultation (free)

  • 1-hr sessions, 4 per month, with your own Personal Trainer. (Personal Guidance)

  • Support via email / text between your weekly sessions. (Support & Accountability)

  • Relevant insights that help make sense of your challenges. (Useful Information)

  • Customized missions that lead to a noticeable change in your life. (Tailored Practice)

  • Actionable steps to re-frame, dismantle, or overcome your challenges. (Specific Tools)

  • Decision making that is better aligned with your values. (Alignment)

  • The space to center yourself during tough times. (Peace)

  • An opportunity to “get out of your own head”. (Perspective Shifting Power)

  • An opportunity to “get out of your own way”. (Behavior Shifting Power)

  • Deeper connection with yourself and others. (Enhanced Connection)

  • A big boost in your ability to trust yourself. (More Self-Esteem & Confidence)

This is a unique, tailored experience.

No matter where you are on your personal development journey, we meet you where you’re at. We’ll be glad to chat with you and find out what your needs are first because this isn’t a cookie cutter experience.

Whether you work with us or not we still want you to progress and will do our best to help in that process. If you’re ready, let’s start the conversation and create more space for the change you’re seeking.

How can you set up a session?

By clicking the link below. Find out more. Make sure it’s a good fit.