5 Ways to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

How do you stop comparing yourself to others? What would your life look like if you didn’t compare yourself to others? How would you feel if you weren't worried about what other people are doing?

Well in today’s post we will give you 5 tips on how to stop comparing yourself to others and live a life that will give you more joy.

Just by applying these 5 strategies in your life will boost your confidence because you’ll recognize that staying on your own lane puts less pressure on yourself and you’ll experience a happier life. When we compare ourselves to others we never feel satisfied, but if we shift that mindset to the opposite direction it allows us to have more freedom and be fulfilled.

“The reason why we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else's highlight reel" - Steven Furtick

How many of you catch yourself doing this? This is very common with people because of what we often see in social media.

Most people post their best pictures or videos on their account and we think that we need to surpass or outshine what they have posted. For example, if you see a couple posted a picture of them looking joyful and living a perfect life, then we automatically assumed that’s how they live their lives most of the time, but this is the illusion that you often see, just because they seem that way on social media it doesn’t necessarily mean they are like that all the time.

We all have challenges in our lives and it is so easy to compare ourselves to others even though we don’t know what they are going through in their lives. We just see the “perfect” life in their account, but we have no idea what’s going on behind the curtains.

Here are 5 strategies that will help you to focus on yourself and bring you more happiness in your life.

1. Define your own success.

One of the biggest mistakes we make is we don’t define what success means for us. If we don’t know this we are forced to grab other’s definition of success. Your success might be as simple as providing food and shelter for your family and not to become a billionaire and this is perfectly ok.


2. Focus on your own strength.

We all have a unique talent inside of us and if we start to acknowledge this, we narrow down our competitions. We start to look for what is our niche that’s going to make us stand out. We start to realize we don’t need to be the best at everything, but rather be the best with what’s our strength.

3. Collaborate rather than unhealthy competition.

Many people see competition as something they need to surpass someone or bring themselves higher than everyone else to make them feel good. This isn’t the best approach because it limits you from being the best version of yourself, instead mastermind with them.

4. Compete with yesterday’s self.

The reason why we never feel satisfied with ourselves is because we always compare ourselves to what we see in social media and this is the surest way for self-sabotage. This is what’s holding you back to do the best you can with your goals.

5. Accept who you are and be grateful for your own progress.

This is what most people are missing and what keeps them stuck. The sooner you accept certain things in your life, the sooner you can change it. Also, let’s not forget the importance of celebrating small victories because as the saying goes, “It’s not about the destination, it's about the journey.”

If you can use even just one of these regularly, you’ll be on your way to being happier and more appreciative of life. Let us know which of these you’re going to try via email or social media.

Have an amazing day!

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