Two Simple Ways to Improve Your Focus

What would your life look like if you were more focused? What difference would it make if you were more focused? Why is it important to you to stay focused?

Having great focus is important because this is what allows us to stay productive in life and if you are constantly choosing distraction and numbing your feelings, then most likely you’ll find yourself in the position of disappointment.

“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” - Bruce Lee

Focus is your ability to draw your attention to where and when you want to be. By having this ability it creates an extraordinary result because focus isn’t about doing everything at once, but rather doing one thing and putting all your time and energy to it. Once you do this, the result will speak for itself.

Here are 2 simple ways to improve your focus.

1. Have a reference point of what you value most.

By knowing your values and keeping them in mind it solves many problems in life because it allows you to take actions that align with what’s important to you. If you don’t know your values, then by default you may select distraction and numbing, feelings that aren’t important to you. We need to know our values to better decide the path we want to move on.


2. Know your chronotype.

There are three chronotypes which are Larks, Third Bird, and Night Owl. By understanding our chronotype we’re able to make the better decisions about energy management in our daily lives. We know when to peak, trough, and rebound. Most importantly it helps with time management and overcoming procrastination.

By implementing these two solutions daily you will certainly increase your focus and feel happier.

What are some of your ways for staying focused? Let us know have a wonderful day!

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