One Simple Tip For Reducing Stress

Is there anything you’re avoiding because it's draining, confusing, or frustrating? Is that thing stressing you out or adding to your overall stress level? Well, today, we’re sharing 1 simple tip for reducing stress.

“Avoiding uncomfortable emotions can be a short-term solution that leads to long-term problems.” - Amy Morin

I’m sure there are some people who instantly rejected the above mentioned. Unfortunately they’re likely the ones that need to see this the most. For those who cringed, said I know, and didn’t look away, kudos to you! The next step is action.

1. Investigate the thing you‘re avoiding.

The thing that’s bothering you the most, you likely don’t understand enough to address the root cause of your frustration or confusion with it. Take some time to question why you’re avoiding it. What are the difficult feelings or emotions you’re avoiding?

Instead of just carrying that weight around, we have the option of addressing it. When we address what we’re avoiding, we can obtain some level of freedom from the weight associated with it. At the very least find an easier way to carry it.

Question your behavior. Take a good look at the boogey man with the lights on and you just might find out that what you’re afraid of isn’t that bad. You might realize that you’re fully capable of dealing with it. Wouldn’t that be amazing?

That’s it, if you deal with the thing stressing you the most, that should reduce your stress a fair amount right? The real question is, do you really want to feel better?

Let us know, we’d love to support you, what’s something you’re going to face?

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