5 Acts of Self-Care That Last

There is more to self-care than treating yourself. We all can do better with our self-care. Especially the kind that can serve us long term. What if treating yourself was more of a regular occurrence? Something that could be beneficial for you now and in the future?

That’s what it means to really treat yourself. Today we’re sharing 5 ways to do exactly that. Let’s start with this quote before we drop down to the 5 tips we recommend.

"Loving yourself does not mean being self-absorbed or narcissistic, or disregarding others. Rather it means welcoming yourself as the most honored guest in your own heart, a guest worthy of respect, a lovable companion." - Margot Anand

There is more to treating yourself than indulging in things in the moment. Sometimes we treat ourselves poorly when we do this, just out of habit. Let’s update those poor habits and replace them with some healthy acts of self-care instead.

1. Don’t touch your phone when you first wake up.

Grabbing the phone when we first wake up and instantly responding to whatever is waiting sends us into a reactive state. When doing this you are surrendering your time to everything else before even checking in with yourself. Which is an act of deprioritizing yourself. Don’t do that, keep your first 10-15 minutes for yourself.


2. Take 1 minute per day to verbally acknowledge yourself.

Use that 60 seconds to verbally accept, be kind, or encourage yourself. We call this 1 minute of power up time. Acknowledge what good you’ve done, what you’re grateful for, speak life to yourself in 3rd person. Call the identity you connect with by name.

3. Engage in a hobby that fills your cup.

If you don’t already have one, find one, try some, explore new hobbies. Quick hint, something you always wanted to do and are able to do. Choose a hobby when after you finish for the day, you feel pretty darn good. One where you feel alive and when you’re done, you already look forward to the next time.

4. Care for your body like it’s a Ferrari.

Many of us suck at this. Your body is your vehicle to get you wherever you want to go. Example, you may be lost in life, in a desert, do you really want your vehicle to break down while you’re in the middle of nothingness? Take better care of your body, and you will feel better.

5. Go to sleep on time.

After I finish this thing, despite my eyes being so heavy, I can go to sleep. No! GO TO SLEEP! Sleep directly impacts your overall health, energy levels, and mood. Instead of trying to burn through something with a weak flame, why not rest, and come back early with a blow torch?

That’s it, if you’d like more tips let us know, we know tons of ways to properly treat yourself. Also, let us know what are some of the self-care tips you recommend via email or social media.

You are worthy of love! Have an excellent day!

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