One Simple Step to Gain More Clarity

Have you ever felt stuck but you’re not sure what’s stopping you or how you got there? Like you have an idea, you can tell something is happening, but you can’t clearly identify it?

Today, we’re sharing 1 simple step to gain more clarity to help with this.

“Clarity and peace of mind are powerful tools. Achieving either and both is only possible when we allow ourselves to see life in all its variance.” – Carlos Wallace

One way to move beyond our current frame of reference is to explore. To seek more than what we just agree with. This can be difficult without intentional effort. However, the benefit is the ability to see more and sometimes that’s all we need. Sometimes we’re just missing one piece of the puzzle to make sense of the whole.

1. Ask questions with the intention of finding something new.

This can be tough sometimes because of challenges with confirmation bias. However, try to better understand the whole of a situation or a response. Not just seek information that aligns with what you already know. If something throws you off or is outside of what makes sense to you, make an effort to understand it and update your perspective.

If what we already know is similar to a single room with 1 window and no lamp. Then asking questions with the intention of discovery can take us outside of that box. It would be like adding a door and gaining the ability to step out at will. Compare, solitary confinement and the ability to travel freely.

Sometimes we misunderstand something and trap ourselves in a place we do not wish to be. We may bind ourselves with a perspective that doesn’t serve us. Gaining clarity may not resolve a problem itself, but it can help with the execution of a plan that will.

That’s it, with this one simple step you should start being exposed to more and your perspective can be better tempered or widened, which can add more clarity.

Let us know, do you take time to learn more about the things that throw you off?

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