Time is precious, find out what you’re really seeking. Gain clarity, explore, become decisive, re-purpose energy and resources, and move closer towards things that make you excited to live your life.
Read MoreComparing is when we look at two things and see how they are alike. Contrasting is when we look at two things and see how they are different. Consider the following, comparing can draw us in, contrasting can help sift things apart. There is a time and place for both, and no reason to be bitter about either.
Read MoreStrong habits of people pleasing for the sake of external validation, yet still feeling dissatisfied with oneself is no good. The next time you’re more concerned about the opinions of others than what you’ll think and how you’ll feel about yourself, consider asking these questions.
Read MoreWhy does emotional intelligence even matter? Our emotions, the acting on or expression of our feelings, plays a major role in our life. It makes sense to me, that if we get good at that essential component of our life, life will be, simply put, better!
Read MoreHave you ever felt overwhelming time pressure? I definitely have many times in my life. For those who aren’t familiar I’d like to share a bit about time affluence and some actions that help to bypass that overwhelming time pressure.
Read MoreThe priority and focus on personal and instant gratification first, before purpose, service, and delayed gratification has become a deeply rooted idea within American culture. I’m not sure of the specifics or exact details of how this idea of making decisions based on however we feel in the moment or do “whatever I like” became so huge, but it’s not the path to actual happiness.
Read MoreWe shouldn’t feel guilty, ashamed, or fearful of attack for setting boundaries. Setting boundaries is essential to our overall well-being and development. It's a practice in healthy communication.
Read MoreCaring is not just a feeling. It doesn’t come with an on or off switch. True that priorities may move around, but the things we truly care about don’t fall off the priority list until we no longer care about them.
Read MoreSomeone who would complain about dealing with another person’s attitude fails to realize, it is not the person’s attitude they need to deal with but it is their own attitude.
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